Sharing some teenage memories by Sum

Created by Fergus 3 years ago
Dear Fergus and Leo Thank you for the invitation to share Karena’s tribute. It was lovely experiencing parts of Karena’s life that I had missed out on, having lost touch with her for many years. Thankfully, we reconnected some years back and I was delighted with the Karena I recognised from girlhood. The unique qualities of purpose and integrity that marked her as a girl, she had brought to full blossom. I lived round the corner from Karena and her family in PJ. We spent many evenings sitting on the laneway nature strip exploring the meaning of our young lives as mosquitoes feasted on us. We intensely analysed everything we could with wonderment, seriousness and laughter. I clearly remember the moment when Karena stretched out her long and elegant fingers and searched them intently for clues to herself. Do you know that I boast to anyone who will listen that I once saved Karena’s life? Swimming out at sea on a school trip in our teens, Karena was stung by sea urchins while out of her depth. I lay claim to being the one who towed her in, both on our backs, my hand cupped on her chin, scolding her when she fought and kicked, nearly drowning us both. Back on the beach, we looked with horror at the little black spikes embedded in Karena’s legs. A village boy took charge with the wisdom that ammonia was the solution. Regretfully, I don’t recollect where the ammonia was sourced but I do know that she was given the treatment and it worked. Saving Karena’s life hopefully makes up for the time that I played a wicked trick on our teacher. We were about ten years old and, egged on by Enid Blyton’s mischievous storybook characters, I tricked our teacher into attending a fictitious birthday party at Karena’s house. I still tremble from remembering the shock and horror of all concerned, but not to worry, I was severely punished and have tried to be good ever since. These snippets are to say that Karena hugely moulded my girlhood resolve and dreams, and is a large part of the best of what I am. How fortunate we all are to have had her in our lives. Much love, Sum
